Category: Holidays & Celebrations

Let Barito Cater Your Holiday Events!

The holidays can be a stressful time, especially if you’re hosting friends and family for celebrations. Instead of worrying about cooking a meal that is delicious and large enough to serve all of your guests, leave it up to Barito. At Barito Tacos & Cocktails, we offer catering services to individuals in the Port Jefferson, New York area. To learn more about catering at Barito Tacos & Cocktails, just continue reading.

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Mark Your Calendars for Paint Night at Barito!

Barito Tacos & Cocktails is happy to announce our next Paint Night on Wednesday, November 7 starting at 7:00 PM. We will have Melissa of MD Design Studio with us to teach the fine art of sign painting. The event supports a great cause — the 23rd annual Charles Dickens Festival held December 1-2 throughout the Village of Port Jefferson.

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